Bobby Leonard

Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Bobby Leonard, and this is my story…

I was born on June 20th, 1983, in a hospital in Duarte California. Right after I was born, I had to go into surgery on my head due to fluid on my brain. I still carry the scar on my head, to this day.

I was able to go home with my mother and meet my big sister. It was just us in our home and it was nice. As time went on my mother needed assistance as I was growing.  I was placed in my first group home at the age of 5. It was a difficult time in my life as different health professionals were trying to find the best medication and care plan to help me succeed. I was placed in 4 different group homes before I found the one that was the best for me.

With the staff being so caring and invested in me I have accomplished a lot of goals in my life so far, and plan to accomplish more.  I have graduated high school.  I have worked 6 different jobs with work programs.  I have had a great work experience. I one day have hopes to work for a pet store.  I myself am a bird dad and I take very good care of my bird Buddy.

With my staff’s support I know I can overcome any obstacles in my life. I have gone from being in a youth facility to an adult facility, to now living independently.  I was blessed that the owners of the last youth facility I was in transitioned into an adult facility and have supportive living in which I am a consumer of now. I rent a bedroom and attend a day program. I have had a lot of ups and downs, and that’s okay.  I look forward to what the world has for me next, and I know that with the support of my workers I can accomplish anything.

Nice to meet you, once again I am Bobby Leonard…


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