Michelle Manfredi

“It is important to meet someone where they are, not where you want them to be. Focus on what a person can do and they will surpass your expectations.”

As a military spouse, Michelle had many duties that she performed. We always hear about how hard it might be for kids, moving around, making new friends, going to new schools, but to be a mom in that situation is staggering. Having to navigate new school systems, a new house, new people, new doctors … over and over having new beginnings.

Yet, Michelle made it work. She’s led Bible Studies through her local chapel, been a teacher’s aide, shared her experience with others and been the driving force of her child’s success. Through her love, commitment, and patience, Michelle has supported her daughter, Renee, to be a true citizen of her community. She has helped Renee have a meaningful life that focuses on her daughter’s talents, interests and abilities.

In her own way, Michelle has been a systems navigator, a facilitator, a teacher, a counselor, a story teller, an advocate, and of course a mother who has been the Champion for Renee through it all.

Michelle was the recipient of the 2018 Special Parent Information Network (SPIN) – Parent Choice Award.

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