Encouraging Words From A Pearl Chapter 4


Reaching Goals

I have many goals that I want to accomplish, to become more independent. One of the goals is to learn how to cook. At the moment I am learning how to cook through zoom class every other Wednesday. I have made a chicken dish for my parents and they loved it. It made me feel happy and proud of myself that I was able to cook for my parents. I want to learn how to cook different dishes not only my parents but for people that I love. My next goal is to learn how to drive, so that my family doesn’t have to drive me everywhere. I am working on my goal on how to drive by studying questions and learning the rules of the road for the written test with my staff. The next step would be my mom teaching me how to drive. Another goal is to go back to school so that I can be a teacher’s aide. I enjoy working with and helping kids. I was volunteering before the pandemic at my local church and a program called Think Together. I plan to go back after the quarantine is over to keep volunteering and hopefully get hired. My last goal is to have a summer job working with seniors when school is on break.