Encouraging Words From A Pearl Chapter 5


Chapter 5: Staying Busy Through Hard Times

It has been a difficult time this year, 2020 since the pandemic has left us stuck at home. However there are many things we can do to keep busy. I like to stay busy and I would like to share some of the things that I do during this quarantine. I have a planned out schedule with each day one activity or more. For Monday I login into a script reading class that I have with a group of friends. We each have characters and we try to act out the movie that is chosen for the week. Tuesday I meet with my staff from In2vision and we log into Tammy’s class where we talk about new topics and have new assignments each meeting. Wednesdays are usually meetings with my staff and sometimes I have cooking class since it is every other Wednesday. Also on Wednesday I login into art class where we draw/color a new drawing with a step-by-step video tutorial. Next on Thursdays I once again meet with my staff where she helps me with any assignments or we practice my lines for my script reading class. Later that day I logged into Fitness Class with Coach Adam where we are learning new exercises to stay fit and healthy. Fridays I login into my Advocacy class in that class there are different topics, activities, and assignments. At times we have games on different topics by using Kahoot! Saturday and Sunday I tend to leave as a day where I relax and spend time with my family. Sometimes I do chores or go to the grocery store with my mom. Other activities that I do when I am able to is having dinner with my friends through video on Instagram. Or also walking my dogs when it is cooler, or going hiking with my cousin. There many other ways you can stay busy, but I hope this helped a little bit.