Encouraging Words From A Pearl Chapter 6


The Show WILL Go On

My first play that I saw made me want to be in one. I asked my mom if she would sign me up for one. The first play I was in was Beauty and the Beast, as a plate in the Beast’s castle. However overall I have been 26 plays, some were done twice and others were new. I enjoy being in plays because I meet new people and make new friends. I also enjoy my family and friends coming to see me perform for the night. On opening night the cast and I will come to the performance in a limo, or a trolly. During opening night there is a time where they have auctions, for donations towards our theater to help with any maintenance. Usually they also have refreshments and small appetizers, my mom always brings something to opening night. The type of plays I enjoy the most are musical. I love the fact that we can act, sing, and dance all in one play. This year will be the first time I won’t be in a play because of the pandemic, but I look forward to it and hoping that soon we will return.