Encouraging Words From A Pearl Chapter 9


Chapter 9: How I Met Tammy and Rikki

I am lucky two have two people in my life named Tammy and Rikki. Which I met both at a PPA meeting at the regional center. I met Tammy first, when I was introduced to her through my job coach at the time Isabella. During the meeting two people shared their inspirational life story. I felt so empowered by their stories that I decided that I want to apply to the job opening that Tammy later offered. Tammy informed me that I would have to do an interview in order to get the job. At first I felt very nervous about the interview, but fortunately I was hired to work for Tammy. A couple of months later I was asked by Tammy if I could tell my story, so that I could also have the chance to inspire others. After I did my speech someone came up to me to introduce me to Rikki. Our stories were similar and we could relate to each other from it. We also enjoyed cooking and baking, so I gave her my business card that had my contact information. From the day we met until now we became not only coworkers but we are also friends. I didn’t let my disability get in the way of getting a job, inspiring others, and making new friends.