My name is Tammy Evrard. My journey to build a stronger and better life has just begun. I suppose many people would consider, at the start, what is a good life? Perhaps some may say it is their best life experiences. Others may feel they have not yet reached that “good” life.
I have had a terrific life. I believe my road has been paved with an abundance of beautiful moments, lots of laughter, many tears, some pain, and a little, okay, maybe a lot of heartache. Most importantly, my journey has been meaningful as I’ve crossed the paths of some of the most amazing people.
This has lead to that big question I had to ask myself.
“What is my purpose?”
Sounds tough to answer, yet quiet your mind and focus on the roads you have travelled. Do you see a common thread? A single line of purpose that has brought you to where you are?
My thread has been the heart of my work. I have gone from a person with a disability, to a person taking care of children and adults with disabilities to working for an agency for people with disabilities to becoming an advocate with people with disabilities.
The common thread: Help People Have A Meaningful Life
Now I realize my purpose is greater than what I expected. My journey has now taken a global shift. I’m outside my comfort zone. I’m nervous with uncertainty but filled with lots of excitement. I’ve taken a new road and it’s leading to an even greater sense of having a meaningful life.
I knew that this Forever Living journey would change me, but I didn’t know how. I thought it was to take control of my health, to start a new business earning income, to meet new people. Yet, my journey has become richer in the knowledge that I will do what I have always done: Ask questions. Build skills. Support dreams. Create Plans. Take Action. Help people have a meaningful life.
So now I begin with this first step.
Yet, before you join me, are you willing to reflect and find the common thread in your life? Are you willing to take the first steps in your journey? What will those first steps be? There is nothing to lose and so much to gain.
Come with me to explore, learn and build a community of people willing to dream, believe and achieve the life they want.