New Beginnings Chapter 5


In the year of 2016 I gained a lot of weight. My weight was 225 pounds. I really did not care about how heavy I weighed. The people that I knew started telling me if I did not start caring about my health I would die at a young age. I was not eating healthy, or exercising, or doing anything to help me lose weight so when the people that cared about me told me that I ended up eating better and started walking. It started working and I started to feel better, but not fully. It took me 4 years to get to the weight that I’m at I now. Today I weigh 150 pounds, and I feel great. I have more energy, sleep well, and eat way better. I can fit into a size medium and small now. I am glad with the progress I have made and I am never going back.

Rikki Before
Rikki Before
Rikki After