New Beginnings Chapter 8


One thing I really enjoy doing is traveling. I have been to Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Florida, Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. I have been on a plane, subway, train, taxi and car traveling. Many of the places I have been is to visit family, or going to school in another state.
In Arizona, I have family there. My mom and cousins live there. I enjoy going there and hiking with my cousin Layla. I also go to my cousins Loretta and Ron’s house to bake cookies, bread and muffins. I like to spend time with their dog; Toby. In Nevada, my grandparents were living in Carson. I enjoyed spending time with them.

In New York, I went to visit my third cousins and my godmother. My godmother has horses and chickens. I helped her go out in the mornings and feed her horse and chickens.

I would love to travel to Sicilia, Italy. My family’s history on my moms side is from Italy. I would like to travel there to learn more about my family’s history and culture.

Traveling to all of these places, and planning to travel to where I want to go, is really fun and exciting!

Here is a photo of my cousin Layla and her dog Caz.