New Beginnings Chapter 9


I have many goals that I would like to accomplish. I would like to share them with you. The first goal is for me to get married. I would also like to live in a little house with a big kitchen. My goal is to have a big front and back yard to plant my vegetables. In my kitchen I would like to be able to cook and bake with my friends and family. I would like to start my own baking business, it would be called “Rikki’s Pastries.” We would sell cookies, muffins, brownies, cakes, cupcakes, cannolis and loaves. Also I would like to have a cat and a dog. My next goal would be to travel to Italy to see the famous architecture. I would also like to see Romeo and Juliet’s Castle.

My other career goal is to open a horse stable for people with Autism. Horses are so calm and I have learned that people really connect with them. I have Autism and I had a horse named Dusty, and he sensed that I was special and he made me feel calm.

I would like to open this stable in Arizona. I would like to start this in Arizona to help more people with special needs.

I hope when reading my goals it will help you to open up and create your own goals.