Question and Answer #1


Question: I know that there are steps to implement a strong behavioral program, but can you tell me in what order you would teach these steps to my staff?

Answer: I would recommend that if you have a Behavioral Consultant or BCBA, please discuss with them your staff training program. If not, please consider investing money and resources to bring in a behavior consultant to provide basic training to your staff. It would be an investment that would enhance your program, staff performance and confidence, and ensure quality supports and safety for all in your program. I am not a behavior consultant, but I would discuss these key training areas with your consultant for staff training:

  1. Positive Behavioral Supports, Methods and Strategies – creating the environment for success and supports in the program – preventative measures.
  2. Documentation
  3. What are Psychotropic Medications, Side Effects and its use as a PRN.
  4. Individualized Behavior Assessments and Intervention Plans – this should include the persons needs at home, at program/school and in the community.
  5. Crisis or Emergency Intervention Plans – these plans are the last resort when the preventative measures and the behavior plan has not been successful. Please discuss how your program would be a “restraint-free” program first and foremost.
  6. Reintegration Plans – these are the steps to help staff reintegrate the person, staff and other participants back into their everyday activities after a behavioral situation. I have only seen a few of these plans and have only seen a few consultants train in this area, but I would highly recommend this training piece.

Remember a plan should be person centered and address the needs of the person, not the program. Our goal is to empower an individual to have the meaningful life they want.
