I have many goals that I would like to accomplish. I would like to share them with you. The first goal is for me to get married.
New Beginnings Chapter 8
One thing I really enjoy doing is traveling. I have been to Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Florida, Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York.
New Beginnings Chapter 7
When I was little I liked to bake and help my mom in the kitchen. Now, I like to bake cookies, brownies, cakes, muffins, and bread loaves.
New Beginnings Chapter 6
So now I’m going to talk about how it is to live with roommates. They might think that when you have a job and you’re on your laptop for work a lot they will think that you only get onto your laptop to piss them off or to make them mad when they will never understand the real reason you have your laptop for work so that is what I’m dealing with right now that they think I’m on my laptop for the other reason.
New Beginnings Chapter 5
In the year of 2016 I gained a lot of weight. My weight was 225 pounds. I really did not care about how heavy I weighed.
New Beginnings Chapter 4
My mom does not live with me in California, she lives in Arizona. I visit her and I also have other family in Arizona so I get to see them when I visit. My mom moved to Arizona because of my grandparents.
New Beginnings Chapter 3
My friend that lives in a other group home got me going to her Church they do a prom for people that are different cause they weren’t able to go to their proms at their high schools so I got to go and when we sat down to eat are dinner.
New Beginnings Chapter 2
I have a job now, I am an advocate for people that need help communicating for themselves. My job title is Impact Trainer.
New Beginnings Chapter 1
This is the second story, and a new beginning. Now I am going to start with what has been happening since book one. I live in a group home called Sapphire Gem.
Question and Answer #6
From a parent: What do I do when my child does not qualify for services? Where do we go?
A Challenge in Thinking
Are You Building A Wall? Can you care too much? I just heard from a caregiver that they were told “caring” too much about the people they help might not be a good idea.
Question and Answer #5
A good friend just got engaged. She is walking on cloud nine. The week before her engagement she was hired to be a peer advocate for the state.
Question and Answer #4
This was a question from a self-advocate. “Why do you believe in me?” I thought the question so profound. She went on, “You believe in me no matter what.”
Question and Answer #3
Question: I hear lots of people say “Choice is so important for people with disabilities.” Is it?
Question and Answer #2
Question: How did you teach your daughter about colors?
Question and Answer #1
Question: I know that there are steps to implement a strong behavioral program, but can you tell me in what order you would teach these steps to my staff?
Question & Answer #7
Question: Do I have to have a license to create a spring break camp program for children with mobility issues?
When Can We Stop Planning and Take Action?
I’ve been there. A large table with lots of experts and team members giving reports and updates on the status of a project or service. The sad thing.
Five Steps To Stop Derailing Your Goals
I’m sitting hear listening to “Never Too Late” by Three Days Grace. It’s a cool song, but the lyrics are quite serious. Yet, I think about the words: Never Too Late.
Question & Answer #8
Question: Do I have to have experience with the population I am going to serve if I open and become the administrator for a residential facility?
Question & Answer #9
Question: Can I use my consulting hours for my consultant to attend quarterly meetings?
“Stay home with me, Mom.”
My Forever Living journey began with a statement from my eleven year old daughter, “I wish you chose to stay home with me now instead of when I was a baby.”
My Meaningful Journey Toward a Meaningful Life
My name is Tammy Evrard. My journey to build a stronger and better life has just begun. I suppose many people would consider, at the start, what is a good life? Perhaps some may say it is their best life experiences. Others may feel they have not yet reached that “good” life.